mission & vision.

Together We Rise. Together We Win.

In supporting the Central Ohio community, MBK Village Columbus is a strategic team with the singular focus of addressing historical and systemic inequalities that have impacted Boys and Young Men of Color. We exist to ensure Central Ohio youth of color are empowered and equipped with the resources, confidence, support, access and education to reach their full potential and achieve sustained personal and professional success.

MBK Village Columbus builds on the foundation of community institutions, identified as pillars, to build on established relationships and expand reach to improve the lives of Boys and Young Men of Color in Central Ohio.

President Barack Obama launched My Brother’s Keeper, as a call to action to address the persistent opportunity gaps facing boys and young men of color (BYMOC) and to ensure all young people can reach their full potential. Locally, many have responded to the President’s call to action. The City of Columbus launched MBK Village and engaged hundreds of young men through the annual summit and conference. These events provided insight on a variety of educational and career opportunities as well as summer employment options. In recent months, the Department of Neighborhoods has consulted with past, current and potential partners to develop a framework that will guide investment and align stakeholders around strategies to close the gap between boys and young men of color and their peers. Rooted in the idea that we must work together to expand opportunities for BYMOC, the City envisions a reenergized MBK Village that is focused on priorities aligned with MBK’s key milestones and targets barriers to success at the individual, organizational and systemic levels.

“I realize that school can help me achieve my goals and improve my life.”

Samuel Phelp, Program Alumni

Thank You to Our Partners

It takes a community to support this mission and we are thankful for organizations who are committed to fulfilling the promise to serve young men of color.
Want to become a partner? We’re looking for organized, impactful, and dedicated nonprofit, public, and/or private organizations to join our MBK Village. If your program serves boys and young men of color in Columbus and/or Central Ohio, we’d love to hear from you.

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.


1410 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43211


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